“Choreographies of Care: Disability and Relationality in Performance”
Peer-Reviewed Article
“Transmuting Trauma and ‘Alchemiz[ing] Inherited Wounds’: iele paloumpis’s Disabled, Diasporic Choreographies of Care,” Performance Research 28, no. 5 (May 2024), Routledge.
Conference Presentations
Papers Presented
“(Un)Making Connective Tissue: Disability, Distance, and Materiality in the Work of Yo-Yo Lin 林友友,” presented at the NYU Center for Research and Study (CRS) Graduate Student Conference, April 2024.
“Transmuting Trauma and ‘Alchemiz[ing] Inherited Wounds’: iele paloumpis’s Disabled, Diasporic Choreographies of Care,” presented as part of “The Praxis of Care: Performing Access Intimacy and Asserting Aesthetic Agency in Intersectional Dance Communities” virtual panel, Association for Theatre in Higher Education (ATHE) Annual Conference, July 2023.
“Rehearsing Virtual Accessibility for the (Not Yet) Post-Pandemic Future,” co-presented with Janet Werther, Mid-America Theatre Conference (MATC), March 2022.
“House of Repetitions: Disability Aesthetics and Care Choreographies in a Stay-at-Home Era,” The Graduate Center, CUNY Doctoral Theatre Students’ Association (DTSA) Annual Conference, April 2021.
“Bellows and Bedfellows: Queer Aesthetics in Pauline Oliveros and Deborah Hay’s The Well,” Association for Theatre in Higher Education (ATHE) Annual Conference, presented as part of the Performance Studies Focus Group Emerging Scholars Panel, July 2020.
Working Groups/Sessions
Co-Chair of inaugural “Crip Moves” Working Group with Jose Miguel (Miggy) Esteban and Elisabeth Motley, Dance Studies Association (DSA) Annual Conference, forthcoming in June 2025.
“Pink Lines and Blood Circles: Christopher Unpezverde Núñez’s Disabled, Diasporic ‘Memory Archaeology,’” shared as part of the “Disability Performance Cultures” working group, American Society for Theatre Research (ASTR) Annual Conference, November 2023.
“‘My hand is a hand’: Disability and Relationality in Jerron Herman and Molly Joyce’s Breaking and Entering,” shared as part of the “Disability/Performance: Beyond Catastrophic Embodiment” working group, American Society for Theatre Research (ASTR) Annual Conference, November 2022.
“‘On Thee I Feed’: Eucharistic Ritual as White Assimilationist Performance,” shared as part of the “A Matter of Public Taste(s): Food, Performance, and Commensality” working group, American Society for Theatre Research (ASTR) Annual Conference, November 2019.
Roundtable Discussion
“Crip Interventions in Theatre and Performance,” co-facilitated with Krista Miranda, M. Leona Godin, H. May, and Eileen Curley, shared as part of the Disability, Theatre, and Performance (DTaP) Focus Group at the Association for Theatre in Higher Education (ATHE) Annual Conference, August 2024.
*Full CV available upon request